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Available Now

Having fresh insight on all aspects of the way you are working can have a huge and lasting impact on your progress. 


Full Review

A "full medical" of your creative practice that includes:


PRE REVIEW FORM- designed to clarify where you are right now, your motivations, and your goals. This will mean we can use our time together in a more targeted way. 


ONLINE PRESENCE REVIEW -  review of all of your online output including your site and social media


STUDIO/WORKSHOP VISIT (Half day) Example of what you might expect. 

We will review your work and career journey to date. I can give you feedback on the work, with some thoughts of where the work is currently strong and where it might best progress.

We will talk about what the challenges are for you, this could be pricing, overcoming creative blocks or contextualising your practice.


We will also explore the way you are building networks and potential audiences. 

WRITTEN REPORT - a detailed report on all of the areas discussed with suggestions for moving forward 


FOLLOW UP SESSION - follow up session two months later to evaluate change



When costed individually all the elements of this bundle would be over £500. When purchased as a whole I am offering it for £275. 


Remote Review

If you live further away or want a lighter touch:


INITIAL QUESTIONAIRE - designed to clarify where you are right now, your motivations, and your goals


LIGHTER ONLINE PRESENCE REVIEW - review of your site and social media


SKYPE/FACETIME SESSION - a 1 hour and 30 minute session discussing your practice and how to take it forward to meet your goals.

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